⚠️ Please Read Below⚠️

Welcome to the Urban Construction + Excavation Project  🛠

Hope you enjoy working with us. Let's get you up to speed.


Moving your Bricks:
Arrow Keys
Rotating your Bricks
Releasing your Bricks:
Placing down a DRILL:
Right Mouse Button

At any given time you are given a brick of any given type or shape. It is your job to decide where it belongs within your designated Construction Area.

At some point you might experience that the construction are is too crowded and you can no longer add more bricks to your project. In such a case you might consider deploying a DRILL. These drills will dig down in a straight line and remove any buildings it goes through. Their materials can be sold for a significant profit, but do keep in mind that this will displease the residents.

While working on your project make sure that you do not:

💰 Overrun your buget
🌼 Offend the residents too much
🌃Degrade the buildings functionallity and significance

These factors will be represented by a few nifty numbers.

It is important that you keep any potential pieces of your building inside your Construction Area, or we will have to Terminate your Project. For legal reasons.

You should also be made aware of the most important information about each distinct type of brick:


These are the fundamental building blocks of your project. When placed they will earn you:

+1 Happiness per piece
+3 Happiness for any nearby Staircase on the same floor
+3 Happiness for any nearby Trees
+2 Money for every nearby Storefront


These are important pieces of your complex, that are integral for earning you money. When placed they will earn you:

+1 Money for every nearby apartment
-20 Money for every Storefront bordering each other. Inclding diagonally
+5 Influence for every piece of building above it. 
It is therefore useful place a Storefront below as much exsisting construction as possible. 
But make sure that you keep a healthy distance between them. 
Unless you want to bear the mighty expenses of competition


Staircases are important pieces for ensuring a buildings functionallity and possibillity for influence. When placed they will earn you:

+2 Happiness for every Apartment on the same floor
-5 Influence for every somewhat nearby staircase on the same floor.
+2 Influence for every Staircase below it.
It might thus be smart group Staircases in columns. 
And keeping a healthy horizontal distance between them.


Trees are great additions to your complex for improving your residents quality of life. When place each tree will give you:

+1 Happiness for every un-interupted tile of open air above the tree. 
Any construction above it at the time of planting, will thus be detrimental. 
If you do ever place another building on top of a tree, the tree will be destroyed and you will earn: 
-10 Happiness 
Trees are helpful for multiplying the happiness for any new apartments you construct. But removing them comes with a healthy risk

Developers Note:

My main motivation for creating this game was to keep up my 6 year streak of participating in the GMTK game jam. I was quite busy during these few days and had a lot to think about, i'm sorry if the game is a little lower quality than some of my others.

The game as it stands is quite unpolished. Especially the UI. The balancing is also a total mess. There isn't much risk of loosing beyond your first few turns. But i hope you can find some enjoyment in it. Always happy to be making things and watching others enjoy them.

Known issues:

  • Yes i know. There is a memory leak. So if you play for a while the framerate gets a bit messy. Sadly i can't ressolve this issue since file uploads are disabled during the voting period. There's a background object that i forgot to write deletion code for.
  • The points SFX is missing. Somehow i managed to remove it while polishing the game right before the deadline.

Hope you enjoy the game.


Construction Excavation.zip 9 MB


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I like the concept, being forced to constantly destroy and rebuild parts of a town. It seems like there should be more consequences to using drills, so that it requires more strategy.

Haha, yeah i agree. Its just a consequence of not having a lot of time to work on the entry. The balancing is really not there